In watching the debate on mandating the Merck HPV vaccination, I’m struck by some of the lessons one can learn about the Democrats. For example:
Democrats are anti-choice: The party whose raison d’etre is the preservation of a woman’s right to choose, now seems to believe that this “right” is limited. When presented with the opportunity to legislatively mandate the HPV vaccine, the Democrat’s no longer promote their position that women (not government) should have control over their own bodies. As long as they're in control of the government, they find nothing wrong with the state forcibly invading a woman's body through the end of a needle.
Democrats are pro-corporate welfare: The party that accuses others of being in the service of Big Oil, seems to have their own corporate sugar daddy - Big Drug. The news is now filled with connections between the major drug company Merck and state legislators. As they say: follow the money. This drug corruption leads right to the Democrats – who seem more than willing to remove women’s rights for a mere 30 pieces of silver.
Democrats are anti-science: Democrats refuse to accept the overwhelming scientific evidence that the HPV vaccination is not ready for market. Both the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP), and the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) have publicly come out against this vaccine. AAFP said it was “premature” to consider HPV mandates because “long-term safety with widespread use” needs to be clarified. AAFP President Rick Kellerman, MD, said problems can crop up with a vaccine after it goes to market. He cited as an example Rotashield, which was FDA approved in 1998 to immunize against rotavirus but withdrawn from the market a year later after 76 cases of intussusception were reported. And Dr. Joseph A. Bocchini, MD, chair of the AAP’s Committee on Infectious Diseases, agreed that “it’s too early to consider mandates. There are other priorities that are more important right now.”
Democrats are anti-freedom: The party that preaches freedom, while accusing others of removing it, are themselves the real threat. The fact is HPV is contracted via sexual intercourse only. The liaison that results in HPV is a choice made by two individuals in a free society. That choice has consequences. If it did not, then it would not be a choice. The Democrats want to mandate a vaccine in reaction to this choice. In short, they want to remove the responsibility from the individuals. But by removing the responsibility, they remove the choice and thereby the freedom. For you cannot have freedom without choice. And you cannot have choice without responsibility.
Democrats are obsessed with sex: When it comes to the issue of government mandated HPV vaccine, all the Democrats can focus on is sex. Unable to argue their pro-mandate position on merit, they’ve been forced to throw up a smoke screen that attempts to focus debate solely on the erotic aspect of their proposed legislation. They introduce the issue via Sen. Halverson’s public discussion of private behavior; then take umbrage when the anti-mandate side engages in the debate. They accuse detractors of being obsessed with sex. But the Democrats single-minded focus – to the exclusion of all other debate (e.g. choice, rights, science, profits, etc.) – is an obsession with sex akin to that of a teenager.
So, when it comes to the Democrats accusations against conservatives - me thinks they do protest too much. Pay no attention to the truth behind the curtain. Power corrupts. And absolute power (in the form of the Springfield Democrats' absolute majority) corrupts absolutely. So much so that they betray their own principles to exercise it.