CHICAGO - While Illinoisans defensive about the bill Governor Rauner signed into law requiring federal immigration authorities to obtain a warrant before taking into custody a person in America illegally and accused of criminal activity, others call it as they see it - "Illinois is a sanctuary state."
It's become a key issue in the Illinois Republican Party gubernatorial primary as Rauner challenger Jeanne Ives uses the issue to pull voters away from the incumbent.
Nationally, voters aren’t enthusiastic about living in a so-called sanctuary state and tend to favor the U.S. Department of Justice’s decision this past week to sue California for protecting illegal immigrants from federal authorities.
The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters oppose their state declaring itself a sanctuary state that protects illegal immigrants from the federal government. Thirty-nine percent (39%) favor such a move by their state. Fourteen percent (14%) are not sure.