By Nancy Thorner (Photos by Mark Weyermuller) -
Abstinence & Marriage Education Partnership (A & M) held its Annual Banquet, Friday, November 16, 2017, at The Cotillion Banquets in Palatine. The theme was "Lifting Up the Truth." 500 were in attendance.
The mission of A & M is to ensure that every teenager in the country has the opportunity to hear a clearly reasoned, positive presentation on the benefits of abstinence until marriage and also instruction on preparing for a healthy future marriage.
Joe Walsh, Founder, Walsh Freedom and a WLS AM syndicated talk radio host in 84 markets all over this nation, introduced author and speaker Michele Bachmann, a former state senator, a congresswoman, a presidential candidate, a successful business woman, and a federal tax litigation attorney. Bachmann has a distinguished resume in the proclamation of biblical truth in the pubic square, but first and foremost she is a faithful follower of Jesus Christ and a dedicated wife and mother of five grown children. Over the years Michelle has opened up her home to 23 foster children.
Joe Walsh spoke of his former House colleague as one he would like to see in the White House, for it was Michelle who helped Joe "learn the ropes" when he was elected to the U.S. Congress in 2010. Joe further praised Bachman for fighting for life, marriage and God given rights while a U.S. Congress member. Joe admitted, without apology, that he does scream and yell a lot on his radio show. The reason being, "This is a divided country and there is so much to scream about." Further adding, "We finally have a guy in the White House who isn't afraid of fighting back." Joe described the current fight as one against the "other side", which includes the media, those in academia, popular culture, big business, all the Democrats, and many Republicans. Joe Walsh went on to describe Michelle Bachman as one of the original fighters in Congress. She exhibited Trump-like qualities on a national level before Trump entered the scene with his 2016 election.
Bachmann speaks
Former Congresswoman Bachmann, in her initial comments, turned the table on Joe by stating that everything Joe had said about her likewise applied to him. Although Joe only served one term in Congress, he fought for those issues he had campaigned Accordingly, Joe more than redeemed his time in Congress in contrast to those who use their time to profit themselves.
Ms. Bachmann spoke glowingly about Scott Phelps, Executive Director or Abstinence & Marriage Education. Partnership. As Bachmann remarked, "having advanced its message for 20 years, Phelps decided to light a candle rather than curse the darkness." On a budget of $260,000, A & M has reached 2 million kids to inform about the beauty of not having sex before marriage.
As to what Bachmann has been up to lately. On June 7, 2016 Ms. Bachmann spoke at the United Nations for the 50th anniversary of the reunification of Jerusalem. On August of 2016, Bachmann was appointed pastor to disciple the United Nations, where she will take the gospel and the Bible to the U.N.
Michele then went on to express her gratitude for the large gathering of individuals who, like her, believed in the beauty of the innocence of children. As proclaimed by Michele, "There is nothing more despicable than human trafficking when children are violated against their will."
Profound ideas, taken for granted in past years, now need to be taught to children
According to Michele, things that were taken for granted in years past now need to be taught to children, because gate keepers that used to protect the innocence of children have failed. Michele then proceeded to list the gatekeepers.
1. Parents were cited as the first gatekeeper to secure the innocence of children. A reference was made to Dr. Ben Carson and how Ben's mother wanted better for her children. She understood what her job was by setting a good example, which gave Ben what he needed to achieve great things, as when he became the Director of John Hopkins Medical Center. Ben's mother pretended she could read, but Carson later observed that his mother was holding books upside down.
2. The church has traditionally been the gatekeeper, a place where marriage and the worth and importance of children in a family unit was highly valued.
3. While schools are not meant to usurp parents, they were meant to continue the work of parents.
4. Business and the advertising of Madison Avenue were said to have more of a negative influence on kids than the media.
5. Government has informed us that morality should not be an issue, which accounts for why over $500 million of our tax money goes to Planned Parenthood as funded through Health and Human Services. As Michele stated: "The purpose of Planned Parenthood is more about helping men. It is women that pay the price."
Bachmann cited Hugh Hefner as having considerable negative influence on childhood innocence. Hugh decided early on that sex outside of marriage was just fine for his own gratification, around which he built an empire exploiting this message. It was not lost on millions of American men who bought and read "Playboy." When Hugh died, according to a report in "Fortune Magazine,” he died a broken man and dirt poor. Link
What happens when gatekeepers fail?
In 1960, out-of-wedlock births represented 5% of births in this nation. Of this 5% figure, the Black community accounted for 25% of all out-of-wedlock births or 3 out of 4 of African American births. The most recent report published in August 2012, is based on data from 2010. The out-of-wedlock birthrate for Non-Hispanic Blacks (73%); Hispanics (53%), and Non-Hispanic whites (29%). Link
The lack of a father in Black and Hispanic communities serves as an express train to prison, Bachmann said. As Michele related, children born without a father in the home have a strike against them from the moment they are born, for very often these children will be relegated to a life of poverty, lacking both education and job skills.
Cell phones were cited as devices that take away the innocence of children. Children, without a gatekeeper present, are able to search the Internet and remain one click away from viewing porn. A decisive round of applause followed a statement that children shouldn't have cellphones until 18.
Clarence Thomas was touted by Bachmann as having grown up in the South dirt poor, but because his parents cared, young Clarence was taught the right values. Today Clarence Thomas sits on the Supreme Court. Unlike other Supreme Court justices who are fond of vacationing in Europe, Justice Clarence Thomas and his wife visit national parks in their RV. Justice Thomas loves to be with real Americans. It is what he thinks about when he writes his Supreme Court decisions.
Teaching beauty of marriage
Ms. Bachmann questioned why kids get involved in sexual activity outside of marriage. For girls, they seek love and acceptance. Girls who don't have fathers in their lives are more likely to seek love and acceptance elsewhere. For boys, it is often for self-gratification. They want to have what they want when they want it.
In speaking about the A & M Partnership, Ms. Bachmann enthusiastically endorsed the programs offered by A & M to help children understand the many benefits of waiting for sex before marriage, understanding that kids kept away from sex before marriage do better. Although such a message in today's society is considered controversial, rather than being the alternative message, it should be the priority message across this nation. The beauty of marriage must be taught, for marriage is good, babies are good, and sex is good.
Scott Phelps, Executive Director of A & M, offers final thought
Unlike most organizations who seek federal money to operate, Mr. Phelps indicated that his organization didn't need it. Instead he goes to schools to provide a clear alternate to the explicit and harmful sex education programs that now exist in our schools, communicating to students that saving all sexual activity for marriage is the safest, healthiest choice to make.
Mr. Phelps spoke of the A & M Excel program that teaches the biblical framework of God's design and eternal purposes. Following are the manuals for both students and teachers:
Game Plan 6-9
Quest 7-10
Aspire 8-12
Navigator 9-12
Excel Faith-Based, Grades 8-12
Free samples of Excel books were offered to attendees as they left the event. A request was made to take the Excel program information to their local middle schools to introduce to teachers who could possibly be open to having the program in their own classrooms. For teachers who agrees to the Excel program, all books are provided free for teachers and every child in their classrooms. Books are also available in Spanish.
By offering this free program, A & M has reached approximately 2 million teenagers across all fifty states. Excel is now in use in some Chicago Public Schools.
If you wish to have the Excel program in your local middle school, or you just want more information, contact A & M Partnership at 411 Business Center Drive, Suite 103, Mount Prospect, IL 60056. Phone: (224) 735-3622.