SPRINGFIELD - Illinois Republican Party leaders are being told that the bill Governor Rauner signed into law Monday concerning how state and local law enforcement are to deal with non-citizens is really no big deal and not to overreact.
They say some media and "other influencers" are not being truthful with party members and conservatives about what the new law does. The misleading sources say the law is to protect those in Illinois that are in America illegally by banning contact between local law enforcement and federal immigration officials unless local law enforcement has been notified of a federal criminal warrant concerning the illegal.
In addition, local and state law enforcement are protected from accountability if a person they didn't detain due to illegal status commits a crime.
But that's not accurate, the ILGOP leadership says.
Effingham area's Brian Milleville says the email was disturbing and confusing to most he's talked to. When asked for a comment, Milleville told Illinois Review, "I can only comment right now on what former law enforcement officers both state and local, in-state and out-state have told me. That is that this law does nothing but thwart federal law and endanger the citizens of Illinois in the name of political correctness and political pandering."
"I also know, based on what others have told me in response to SB31," Milleville said, "that yesterday was the day Rauner officially lost his re-election."
"it's our job to make sure" the governor succeeds, IL GOP Chairman Tim Schneider (also a Cook County Board Member) and IL GOP County Chairmen Association's President Randy Pollard (also Rauner's Downstate Chairman) wrote in and email sent out Monday night:
State Central Committee Members and County Chairmen:
By now, most have you know that Governor Rauner has signed SB31, also known as the TRUST Act. We'd like to take this opportunity to talk about what the TRUST Act is, what the TRUST Act is not and dispel some misinformation that has been sent around.
First and foremost, this two page bill does not make Illinois a “sanctuary state”. The 40-page version introduced by the Democrats would have made Illinois a “sanctuary state”, but thanks to Governor Rauner, that bill was gutted and left in place language that was requested by the law enforcement community.
Second, this bill does not offer any legal protection to criminal illegal aliens whatsoever, contrary to what some outlets are saying. In fact, local law enforcement is encouraged to communicate with federal immigration authorities, including ICE, in the pursuit, prosecution, and/or deportation of criminal illegal aliens.
Third, the TRUST Act was requested by our law enforcement to codify existing judicial precedent from the Northern District of Illinois. Many of our law enforcement agencies with high populations of immigrants have found it extremely difficult to do their jobs because of a lack of trust between immigrants and law enforcement. Victims and witnesses of crime in immigrant communities do not come forward because they are afraid of what will happen to them. I think we can all agree that victims and witnesses of crimes, such as robbery, rape or even murder, should not fear contacting the police. All the TRUST Act does is allow law enforcement to focus on their sworn police duties to protect our cities, counties and state from violent criminals. That’s why the TRUST Act is supported by so many law enforcement agencies including the Illinois Association of Chiefs of Police.
Lastly, some have questioned why the ILGOP has sent information about the TRUST Act. Once we learned the Governor was going to sign the bill, we knew it would be extremely important to make sure our SCC, County Chairmen and grassroots supporters do not get misled as to what the bill is and what it is not.
Regardless of how you feel about the TRUST Act, again, we can all agree that it is a heck of a lot better than the original 40-page bill, that many think was signed into law.
It should not come as a surprise that there are many influencers in the media and elsewhere who do not want to see our Governor succeed. As Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and President of the Republican County Chairmen's Association, it’s our job to see that he does.
Tim Schneider Chairman Illinois Republican Party
Randy Pollard President Republican County Chairmen's Association
More to come...