By Emily Zender Troczinski -
The Illinois House held a committee hearing on House Bill 40 earlier this month, and passed a bill that would provide free abortions, for any reason, for state employees and for those on Medicaid.
With our state billions of dollars in debt and Illinois citizens struggling to make ends meet, these state representatives are focusing their time on sending Illinois funds towards the death of unborn children rather than life. According to one lawsuit filed last year, social service agencies claim the state owes them over $100 million dollars. But rather than rescue social services for poor people, they want to set up a fund to provide free abortions.
This is nothing more than a Democrat ploy to force Governor Rauner into a difficult position right as we enter election season. It’s another political football game at the expense of Illinoisans.
This football game was further apparent in the committee hearing when Chairperson St. Rep. Robyn Gabel allowed only one witness from either side to testify, even though more were in attendance to testify and over 10,000 witness slips had been filed by Illinois citizens between the two sides.
For approximately 36 years, it has been the policy of Illinois, like the majority of other states in America, that its citizens should not be required to pay for other people’s abortions. Illinois’ current Medicaid program covers abortions in the rare cases of rape, incest, and for abortions that threaten the health and life of the mother.
In its current form, House Bill 40 drastically expands the Medicaid coverage for abortions.
House Bill 40 would force Illinois citizens to pay for abortions for those on Medicaid through the full nine months of pregnancy for any reason. This means free abortions even when the unborn child’s heart is beating, he or she can feel the pain of being dismembered by the abortion and can potentially survive outside the womb.
Further, House Bill 40 has no parameters on the reason for the abortion. This bill provides free abortion even if the only reason for the abortion is convenience or birth control. There is no limit to the number of abortions that can be received.
If you’re sick of bad policies that increase the number of abortions and distract from the truly imperative work that needs to get done – like funding social services and rescuing the budget crisis - then call your legislator and tell him or her to get back to work on the budget and vote no on House Bill 40.
Emily Zender Troscinski is executive director of Illinois Right to Life. Read more about HB 40 HERE.