SPRINGFIELD - Minutes before the Illinois House adjourned its 99th legislative session Tuesday afternoon, the chamber voted on a measure that would freeze property tax rates at the 2016 level.
Sponsored by State Rep. Mark Batinick (R-Plainfield), the measure passed with the help of 33 Democrats - 76 to 24 - including Speaker Mike Madigan. Republican Sara Wojcicki Jimenez of Springfield opposed the measure.
While observers quipped the vote was simply meant to give endangered House Democrats a roll call they can use in campaign materials, Governor Rauner was delighted with the vote, although the Senate did not consider the bill before adjourning.
“This morning the Illinois House of Representatives took a step in the right direction and passed our permanent property tax freeze," Governor Rauner said in a statement. "We have the highest property taxes in America, and a property tax freeze where you control whether your property taxes go up or not, will help change the system in Illinois, create jobs and keep families from fleeing the state.”
The measure, HB 6630, was co-sponsored by Democrats Jack D. Franks and Jerry Costello, II and Republicans Grant Wehrli, David McSweeney, Nicholas Sauer, Peter Breen and Keith R. Wheeler.