CHICAGO - It's evidently scary and somewhat traumatizing for Liberals to realize that there's half a population in America that sees things totally different from the way they do. And there's a sizable number that share that view in the only blue Midwestern state of Illinois, too.
What Liberals don't understand is that those that see the world from a traditional conservative perspective have been fully aware of the Leftist view imposed upon them and have psychologically learned to deal with it. It has made conservatives stronger and more committed to liberty than ever as they've watched the destruction of their great country left to Leftist values.
But here's what Chicago Reader's Ben Jorvasky is dealing with in a piece entitled "Chicago's new, frightening reality: a blue city in the red nation:"
Now it's midnight, and the Chicago Board of Elections is just about finished counting the local votes. With 95 percent of the totals in, Clinton won roughly 84 percent of the city vote. About the same as Obama. So don't blame me. I'm from Chicago. Our firewall held strong. I don't think I've ever felt so alienated and isolated from the rest of the country. We're like a tiny island of blue in a sea of red.
"A tiny island of blue in a sea of red ..."
So what about the ideals of those that hold true among Illinois' sea of red whose numbers and views are ignored and mocked by those dwelling in the "tiny island of blue"? We've had to not only deal with the ridicule of Blue-sters, we've paid for their ideological foolishness and experimentation.
We've had no way to get our message out to the red masses who think like us because you've muffled our ideas and done your best to bully us into submission. We've kept our heads down, worked hard to pay the insatiable demands of tax masters that use our hard-earned funds to take care of their political buddies and build up political dynasties.
We're tired of it. Oh yes, we are. Still, we don't protest in the streets - and we didn't in 2008 or 2012. We remember you making fun of Tea Party rallies that upheld freedom, liberty and the Constitution.
We've been dominated by Blue elites for decades - and it's time that we drew a line in the sand for the sake of our children and grandchildren. The nonsense is going to stop.
We're sorry you're distressed - we know how it feels. But while we were angry and upset, we grew stronger and more determined to resist your domination.
One thing you'll find, though, we're gracious winners. And while our movement for freedom and liberty grows, we'll hold our lawmakers feet to the fire - no matter which party affiliation they hold.
And we'll do our best to explain to you what your professors and the media have misled you to believe - because we need you to understand we're out here, and what we think and believe matters.
Welcome to the island of isolation, Blue-sters - Take care of it while we're gone.