CHICAGO - Husbands are causing Clinton insiders lots of headaches these days, and there's no question IL Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky can identify with Clinton aide Yuma Abedin's recent spousal embarrassments.
After all, Schakowsky's husband Bob Creamer did not only spend time in prison for bank fraud and tax troubles, he was caught in several undercover videos appearing to admit his part in stirring up violence and illegally coordinating with the Clinton campaign.
Creamer "stepped away" from his campaign gig at "American United for Change" as soon as Project Veritas rolled out the secretly-recorded videos - but not a word came from his wife Jan Schakowsky, who led a protest outside a Republican fundraiser the same day Donald Trump cancelled a scheduled rally in Chicago, fearing violent protesters.
People that saw Schakowsky leading the anti-Republican protest in March coinciding with the cancellation of the Trump rally continue to be frustrated. They eagerly distribute photos of the congresswoman holding a sign in front of the Palmer House saying, "Trump, Cruz, Rauner - the Gang of Hate" with her husband's "Americans United for Change" website address across the bottom.
Before the March protest, Schakowsky's office sent out the following email:
Donald Trump, Bruce Rauner, and Ted Cruz are going to descend on Chicago to spread their message of intolerance, racism, and hate. We need to stand up to their disgusting rhetoric and remind them that Chicago won’t tolerate the garbage they are spewing.
Her involvement with her husband's efforts and no accountability for her activities have voters in the 9th CD frustrated.
“There’s no question that the protest led by Jan Schakowsky in front of the Palmer House was designed to incite violence. I was there. The protesters were totally rabid. They blocked traffic on the street and blocked the entrance to the building. It’s a miracle that fights didn’t break out," Mark Glennon told Illinois Review. He wrote about his experience the next day on WirePoints.
Since Schakowsky's husband's connections to the violence that day became public, Republican opponent Joan Lasonde called on Schakowsky to step down. Lasonde pointed to the tax dollars spent on law enforcement and security that Creamer and Schakowsky demanded during the protests.
More evidence of the congresswoman's involvement in the demonstrations showed up on Facebook:
A protest is planned outside of Schakowsky's office next Tuesday - once again calling on the lawmaker to resign for her part in her husband's dirty tactics and for law enforcement to prosecute criminal activities recorded on Project Veritas' videos.
More info about Tuesday's protest HERE.