SPRINGFIELD - While throughout the nation abortion clinics are shutting down, just a few miles from Illinois' State Capitol, Planned Parenthood will be expanding its abortion procedures.
The State Journal Register reports Capitol City's Planned Parenthood moved to a new location in May and started offering abortions two months later than its facilities previously offered.
Before this week's new services were added, the facility did only chemical abortions up to 10 weeks gestation. Thursday it expanded its abortion business and began doing surgical abortions up until 18 weeks gestation, according to the report quoted in LifeSiteNews.com.
Local Planned Parenthood spokeswoman Julie Lynn said eventually, they hope to do abortions even later – up to 19 weeks and six days gestation.
“I think it’s a sad day for Springfield,” said Springfield Right to Life President Tim Moore, after the newspaper reported Planned Parenthood’s plans on Wednesday.
The abortion facility was doing 300 or more abortions a year, assumed to involve more unborn babies in the future because of the new surgical abortion expansion. However, local pro-lifers plan to expand their outreach to moms and babies outside the abortion facility.
On Sept. 1, Springfield RTL is moving its office to a location across the street from the Planned Parenthood, Moore said. The pro-life group planned the move before they learned about the abortion facility’s surgical abortion plans, he added.
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