SPRINGFIELD - A group of Republican House members and one Downstate Democrat are calling for an investigation into Illinois' Planned Parenthood clinics after three undercover videos emerged with Planned Parenthood officials in California and Colorado were recorded in conversations about selling specimens from abortions.
The third video released Tuesday was the final straw for Rep. Jeanne Ives (R-Wheaton), who sponsored the resolution that now awaits consideration in the Illinois House.
"The gruesome revelations in this video go beyond the debate over abortion. If these practices are occurring in Illinois, they would be in stark violation of federal and state law," Ives said in a press release.
The resolution "urges the Illinois Department of Public Health, the Illinois Executive Inspector General, the Illinois Attorney General, and the Illinois Department of Revenue to investigate Planned Parenthood's procedures for abortions, obtaining informed consent, and sale or donation of human fetal tissue across the State and to investigate which organizations across the State are involved in purchasing or accepting human fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood."
A review of the Center for Medical Progress' interview transcript for the first video reveals that the Planned Parenthood official recommended the acting baby part buyers contact Stroger Hospital's family planning director for possible purchase of intact 20- to 24- week aborted baby remains. Freedom of Information requests have been filed by the Thomas More Society with the Cook County publicly-funded hospital.
One Democrat - Jerry Costello II - signed onto HR 671 with 31 GOP House members, including Rep. Jeanne M Ives, Patricia R. Bellock, Barbara Wheeler, Mark Batinick, Thomas Morrison, Margo McDermed, Terri Bryant, Keith Wheeler, Robert W. Pritchard, David Reis, John D. Cavaletto, Brian W. Stewart, Tom Demmer, Reginald Phillips, Randy Frese, Donald L. Moffitt, Ron Sandack, Dwight Kay, Charles E. Meier, Joe Sosnowski, David Harris, David McSweeney, Steven Andersson, Tim Butler, Dan Brady, Norine Hammond, John M. Cabello, Adam Brown, C.D. Davidsmeyer, Jerry F. Costello, II, Grant Wehrli and Sheri L Jesiel.
The resolution will need Speaker Madigan's permission to be called for a vote on the Illinois House floor.