DIXON - In a press release today, the Illinois Conservatives Facebook page announced they are recommending that Illinois conservatives vote for Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner in Tuesday's election.
The announcement caused division within the Facebook page's leadership. Two board members - downstate businessman Brian Milleville and attorney Sharee Langenstein - resigned after the board voted by 70 percent to endorse Rauner.
Citing concerns over Rauner's positions on the Second Amendment, life, and marriage, Langenstein told Illinois Review, "If individuals make the choice to vote for Rauner that's one thing, but a group that claims to espouse conservative principles should not endorse or recommend a candidate who is not fully conservative. Illinois Conservatives Facebook group now has a reputation for not being conservative at all."
Remaining board members include the group's founder Zach Oltmann of Dixon, Vice President Demetri Broches, Sherry Helmuth, John Poshepny, Joe Kaiser, Andrew Englund, Lennie Jarrat, and Andrew Spitzer. The group has been "liked" by 3,254 members.
The group's press release explained their reasons for recommending Rauner:
"Pat Quinn is an abject failure. Chad Grimm has sold out any principles to Quinn’s Democrat allies and has no intention of running to win," the IC group's endorsement concludes. "Neither Quinn nor Grimm can be trusted by conservatives with their progressive ties and allegiances.
"That leaves only one choice for Illinois conservative voters, Bruce Rauner. While we certainly do not agree on all of Rauner’s social issues, he is no doubt more closely aligned to conservative values than to the progressive policies and the appointments Quinn will make," the group said.
The IC group said that Rauner’s business expertise on fiscal issues is greatly needed. "Quinn’s policies have driven far too many business out of Illinois and we need a business minded governor that knows how to attract business and jobs to Illinois. It is time Illinois focused on growing the private sector instead of growing government," they said.
Illinois has a spending problem, not a revenue problem and we need someone who knows how to get spending and revenue in alignment, they concluded. "It is for these reasons that Illinois Conservatives recommends that conservatives vote for Bruce Rauner on Nov. 4."