UPDATE x1: The White House said Wednesday that what Senator Durbin reported on his Facebook page "did not happen."
The National Republican Senate Caucus responded, saying: "Senator Durbin, the No. 2 Democrat in the Senate, is at the crux of the partisan divide in Washington. How can voters trust anything this man says? Durbin should either reveal his 'source' or retract his partisan attack immediately and apologize. His credibility is waning."
Accusations made by Illinois' U.S. Senator Dick Durbin over the weekend are raising eyebrows and questions. Writing on his Facebook page, Durbin accused an unnamed Republican of supposedly telling fellow politician President Obama, "I cannot stand to even look at you." Feigning outrage, Durbin asks, "What are the chances of having a conversation with someone who's been so disrespectful?"
The question of respect was not asked of Durbin following his other Facebook entries, one in which Durbin says the GOP used extortion: