PALATINE - Palatine insurance broker and Illinois Tea Party leader C. Steven Tucker has been traveling the Midwest for the past couple of years, warning groups small and large about the impact of ObamaCare. He's been featured on radio and television news shows, answering questions few can answer about health care insurance and America's health care insurance future.
Monday, as a guest on Fox Business at 10:30 am CST, Tucker wi'll be talking about cancellation letters that several of his clients have been receiving over the last few months, informing them of major changes in their health care policies, hikes in premiums and outright cancellations - all attributed to the January 2014 implementation of the Affordable Care Act.
In his workshops,Tucker actively encourages the audience to contact their Congress members and urge them to hold firm on demands to delay and defund ObamaCare. "The President lied when he said we could keep our health care policies and our own doctors," Tucker said, as he posted an array of policy cancellation letters online Sunday afternoon. To read the details, click on the images to enlarge: