The Supreme Court established yesterday, as a qualification for receiving federal benefits by homosexual couples, the requirement that they be married in a state in which same sex marriage is legal. There are many qualifications for various federal benefits, and those who do not qualify are not victims of discrimination.
We always have a choice to live in one state or another where we believe the economic benefits are greater - i.e. Texas has no state income tax at all, yet many of us choose to live in Illinois where the tax is 5%.
It is now for the U.S. Congress to decide whether to extend federal benefits to those who are in civil unions. It was Congress who conferred these federal benefits in the first place and it is Congress which needs to decide future benefits for those who may presently have civil union status.
Having said that, possible economic benefits do not trump the moral dictates of the Bible, Natural Law, and God's design for marriage. We strongly believe that SB10 seriously violates the free expression of religion both for churches and individuals.
It is also important to note that the U.S. Supreme Court clearly established that it is individual states that have the right to determine requirements and restrictions for marriage.