State Representative David Reis (R-Ste. Marie) made it clear in a press release today that he was outraged by State GOP Party Chairman Pat Brady’s support and active lobbying for same sex marriage in Illinois.
“I absolutely couldn't believe my ears it when I first heard it,” Reis said. “Not only has he defied our GOP Platform with conflicting comments, but he was actually calling members of the General Assembly and lobbying for their vote.”
The GOP platform clearly states its support of marriage in Illinois being defined as ‘between one man and one woman’.
“It’s one thing to possibly lose an important floor vote on such a controversial issue but to have your State Party Chairman maliciously and without consultation defying our party’s platform with his actions is unacceptable,” Reis said. “He has alienated many of our most loyal supporters and for the good of our party, and for conservatives who support traditional family values; he should offer his resignation effective immediately.”