By Ghost of John Brown
At a service to you, the dear reader, I look at lefty blogs to find out what kind of mischief they are up to. The latest point of mischief is that the Communists Democrats are planning on disrupting Randy Hultgren's Town Hall meeting tonight just like they did last night in Sandwich. Click here for the note by the leftists. The mischief is being pushed by John Laesch. If you remember, John was the Democrat candidate that couldn't take out Bill Foster for Congress a few years ago. The locations of the Town Halls were dutifully transcribed by the Communists Democrats on the link listed above.
So what do these fine leftists want? Well, they want to tax your retirement accounts (although they aren't smart enough to realize that is what they are doing.) Click below the fold for more.
The issue at hand is H.R. 870 or the "Humphrey-Hawkins 21st Century Full Employment and Training Act". What they act would do is ostensibly take money away from those mean, evil, wicked bankers and create works projects and retraining. What Congressman Conyers doesn't tell you is that it imposes a 0.25% tax on all stock trades and similar taxes on other securities. Of course, those mean, evil, wicked bankers will just swallow the losses, right? Of course you, the intelligent readers of Illinois Review know better. The tax will just be passed on to retirement accounts that deal in securities and stock trades all day long.
Bonus question: If it is now going to be harder and more expensive to invest capital in US Stocks and Securities, what do you think the chances are that retirement accounts will just invest in the Japanese or European stock markets? Hmmmm, curious, don't you think?
Unfortunately, yours truly has back to back meetings that I can't get out of, but I hope that some of you can attend tonight. Don't let the leftists win.
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