by Ghost of John Brown
Many of us are planning on attending an April 15th Tea Party Protest. I'm planning on attending the one at the Kane County Government Center. Be sure to look for me. I haven't figured out if I will show up with my uber-cool beard, though (see picture to the right). The rifle is a definite no-no.
Anyway, we all need to keep a watch out for those that may want to discredit the Tea Party movement. Some are already planning to disrupt events. We have seen time and again how those on the left just want to make it SEEM that right wingers are kooks. A couple of cases in point.
At one of the town hall meetings for Congressman Dingell last year, there was a man carrying an Obama picture that was retouched to make him look like Hitler. The main stream press had a field day with this. The trouble was, that the man in question was later spotted handing out flyers for Dingell.
I mentioned in a previous post the story of the Democrat Headquarters in Colorado that was vandalized. Early reports tried to tie this vandalism to the right. Sadly for the left, their own guy was caught as the culprit.
At the recent Harry Reid protests in Searchlight, NV some of the lefty protesters threw eggs at the Tea Party's bus. There was clear photographic evidence of it, but one of the Harry Reid operatives tried to blame it on Andrew Breitbart.
Conservatives tend to be up front about who they are and what they want to do. The thought of infiltrating a lefty organization to cause mischief has probably never crossed the minds of most conservatives. Lefties have proven that they will, and they are planning to do so. Be prepared for people to show up at the April 15th rallies trying to subvert what is happening. It wouldn't surprise me to see people show up and act like racists Obama haters. They may come with Hitler signs. They may come with signs that suggest violence. They will probably be plants. Don't let them con people into thinking that they are with us. On the other end of the spectrum, expect counter protests. Come with your cameras. Come with your camcorders. Just because you are law-abiding and peaceful, don't expect those on the left to act the same way. Kenneth Gladney found that out.
Be proud and more importantly, be proud of your country. The country that we live in is still the greatest in the world, and we are awfully lucky to be living here. You had a 1/20 chance to be born here, and you were - be thankful. Ronald Reagan described America as a "Beacon of Hope" to the world, and it can still be that.
It is only by the deceit of liars that our country finds itself governed the way that it is today, but that can be corrected. Don't let the liars on the left distort what you believe in. Just be prepared.
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