One young Cuban Republican from DuPage County is anxious to stake an interest claim if a GOP State House seat opens up over the next few months.
"If the rumors are true and [State Rep.] Bob Biggins chooses not to run in 2010, I definitely am in the race," Rafael Rivadeneira, a 38 year old investment advisor based in Elmhurst, told Illinois Review today. "What's going on in Springfield is outrageous, and they want more of our tax dollars to squander?"
Rivadeneira, whose parents immigrated shortly after Cuba's communist takeover, is the state leader of the Republican Hispanic National Assembly and said he has expressed his interest in succeeding Rep. Biggins to several GOP leaders. (He's pictured here with RNC Chairman Michael Steele.)
Married and father of three, Rivadeneira says his expertise in investment management would be useful as Illinois faces difficult economic times. He's especially interested in revamping the public education system to be more incentivized and student-centered, rather than geared to administration and teachers' demands. "Parents should be able to pick the schools they want their children to attend," he said. "They are not following the customer-centered model. That system needs to be restructured."
Rivadeneira said he wouldn't be surprised if several people vyed for Biggins' seat. "There's not been an opening for years, so we could see a primary," he said.
Under Rivadeneira's leadership, IL's RHNA chapter has blossomed over the last couple of years. His positive outlook and enthusiasm is contagious and if the way opens for Rivadeneira to run in 2010 for the House, this addition to the growing array of fresh, diverse faces and strong Republican voices may be just a badly-needed zap the IL GOP's cardio system needs to recover.
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