Now we know what last Friday's national public school "Day of Silence " was really all about. It was to get us all prepared for intellectual duct tape over our mouths when it comes to certain topics.
A Congressional vote is expected this week that would eventually silence any and all criticism of sexually-controversial behavior by making the exercise of free speech about the issue a "hate crime".
A markup vote on the Local Law Enforcement and Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2009 is expected in the House Judiciary Committee on Wednesday. The measure (H.R. 1913) is sponsored by Representatives John Conyers (D-Michigan) and Mark Kirk (R-Illinois), and would add 30 sexual orientations (as defined by the American Psychiatric Association) to the list of classes federally- protected from the so-called "hate crimes".
Criticizing incest, for example, would be a federal crime with the passage of HR 1913. Incest would be added as another federally-protected sexual orientation.
Rep. Kirk is considering a run for Illinois Governor or U.S. Senate in 2010. This attempt to ban free speech may - and should - come back to haunt him.
Frankly, even more so, Rep. Kirk owes not only the parents, but the children of Illinois an apology for proposing and sponsoring such extreme left-wing, abusive legislation.