For those on the Left who wish to kill the messenger lest they speak the truth or question authority, let's review the facts of Illinois Review's posts today (here and here) about Rahm Emanuel's property taxes.
FIRST: We stated that the address 4228 N. Hermitage, which is where the very foundation of Rahm Emanuel's home (the structure in which his family lives) does not appear on the websites of either the Cook County Assessor's Office or the Cook County Treasurer's Office. This is true. A search of those websites' databases proves it.
SECOND: We stated that contrary to the Cook County Assessor's website and the Cook County Treasurer's website, Emanuel's home address is listed as 4228 N. Hermitage on the Illinois State Board of Elections website. This is also true. A search of the ISBE's website proves it.
THIRD: We stated that there seems to be no public record of Emanuel paying property taxes on his home, which is listed on the ISBE website as 4228 N. Hermitage. This is true as well. Again, a search of the Assessor's and Treasurer's websites proves this.
FOURTH: We suggested that Emanuel's non-profit foundation, which is listed as being headquartered in his home at 4228 N. Hermitage might be the reason that no tax payments on that address are found. We did not state this as fact. We merely questioned whether it could have an affect. Fact is, Emanuel's foundation has no impact on his property taxes, and we updated the post once that question was answered.
But, alas, these facts, clarifications, and questions don't faze the liberal hit-men who prefer to ignore the truth and spin the story to be about those who question rather than those who rule.
For our part, we'll continue to ask questions and provide facts about anyone in power, and any connection they may have to this murky and unnecessarily complex Cook County taxing system.
Where there is smoke, there is usually fire. Especially when it comes to Chicago politics.